May 18, 2011

Hey blog, it's your birthday!

This will be a really quick post because I'm really busy with work today.

Happy birthday, Maude's Avenue of Thoughts!

It's just like yesterday I was asking my office seatmate what I'm gonna name my blog and now, I've been sharing snippets of my life for a year! To the people who's been a fan since day one (hello girlfriends!), to those who appreciate my craft, to those who take time to comment, to those whose writing make me feel that I am a lousy blogger but inspire me to be a better one, to everyone who passed-by and continually does, a biiiiiiiiiig thank you to all of you.

I know I have my blog giveaway to thank for the dramatic increase in page views and followers but my wish on my blog's birthday is for people to continue dropping by when the contest is over. I know that's too much to ask but it's free to dream, right? :)

Oh I almost forgot, I was overwhelmed with the turnout of the giveaway and I need a little more time to sort out the entries. It doesn't help that my internet connection at home is still down. Please bear with me. I'll be announcing the winner midnight of Saturday, the latest. Stick around :-)



  1. happy blog anniversary! :D

  2. Happy Birthday to your blog Miss Maudey <3 :)


  3. thank you so much ladies! ^_^

  4. Wow! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!! I hope you get to enjoy more blogging years!

  5. With people like you who wish me well and shoot sweet words every now and then, I'll definitely enjoy more years of blogging. Thanks a lot, crickette! :)


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