Dec 30, 2011

Day 35 - 40

Because I'll be very busy in the coming days, indulge me as I squeeze 6 days in one post :)

Day 35 - A picture of your hometown
I've been living here since birth but I don't have a real picture of my hometown. Haha. This will do. :-)

Thanks Google Maps! ^^,

Day 36 - A picture of your favorite toy when you were younger
Polly Pocket. I have a Country House, a Pizza Parlor, a Ski Chalet, a heart-shaped small house and the one in the photo below - a Mansion! I'm pretty sure you can tell which is my favorite! Haha. I and Ate Pants play with these all the time. With our Polly Pockets combined, we get our very own village! Geez, I miss being a kid! :-)

Credits here and here.

Day 37 - A picture taken at school
On our last day as students of our beloved Pamantasan.

Day 38 - A picture of your favorite drink
When I'm too tired or too sad, I buy myself a grande Java Chip and the world is a better place again. Haha.

Day 39 - A picture of your favorite food
No other than home-cooked Pork Sinigang. I am sooooo bringing packs of Sinigang Mix to SG ;P

Me: *drools*

Day 40 - A picture of your friends
Lucky to have these people in my life!

Happy to be almost halfway through the challenge,


  1. I noticed mataba yung baboy sa sinigang! Ganyan din kami mag sigang. lol! nauubos kasi una lagi ang taba. Ang bad no? Kahit masama sa katawan sige lafang! hihihi!

  2. Thaks for following my blog! Followed too! See u around!

  3. hi anney! yes, sinfully delicious ang sinigang na maraming taba! Hahaha.. my goodness, this made me crave Filipino food more :(

    i saw your blog and its awesome. thanks for following too! let's keep in touch! :)


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