Jun 11, 2011

Wishes (on a List) Come True

Last year, I wrote a wishlist for my 22nd birthday, and now that I'm about to create another one, I checked the list again and was more than happy that all of them except one were granted without me realizing it :)

laptop sleeve from Nhix, memo pad and wooden frame for my office desk from Jaq (visit her blog!), letter magnets for my cube from Noreen and Ipanema flip-flops from my Jhay :)

My ever reliable pink umbrella from Jejo

A friend from the States bought me this sometime in July of last year. Not exactly the pink mug that I wished for but equally nice :)

my bathroom scale and a plush cellphone holder... love 'em pink stuff! :)

Jewelry box from Simple Joys. Made for an angel? Id like to believe so :) At the bottom right is its lovely damask print. I heart!

You see, wishlists are effective! Hence, this year, since my birthday is just three days away, here's my new list :D

1. A hoodie! It gets North Pole-ish in the office so I badly need one. And if you're kind enough, throw in a pair of mittens too! LOL.

2. A round- and pink-faced silver watch. The one I'm using now would love a reliever :P

3. Yeah, I still want a pretty pair of stud earrings (the only one I didn't get from last year's wishlist :D)

4. An Endless Love Victoria's Secret Body Mist.

5. A red bag. Not black or brown or gray. I want it RED. Haha.

6. A Revlon Liquid Eyeliner + a trusty eyelash curler.

7. I'd also love a new flip-flops!

8. A cake from Conti's to blow on my birthday :-)

9. An SLR (i fell in love with our Cebu photos, thanks to my cousin's camera)

10. More time to blog *wink*

11. More travel.

12. Love, love, and more love! ^_^

Are these too much to ask? :-)


  1. if i'm just rich enough, i would love to give you those gifts sis.. hehehe.. advance happy birthday fellow gemini ^^

  2. thank you jayresa! that's so sweet of you! you're a gemini too? when's your birthday? :)


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